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Industrial Automatisms project provides specialised training for electricians

  • 24 November 2015

The Brussels-based ‘Centre de Technologies Avancées’ (CTA) has set up training in industrial automatisms which includes a programme suitable for both student electricians and job-seekers, and practical and professional continuous learning which meets the needs of businesses. In this way, it is helping to support social inclusion, jobs, education and training in the Brussels area, while providing a skilled workforce for businesses engaging in innovation, research and technological development.

Under the industrial automatisms project, the CTA fitted out new training premises with hi-tech, state-of-the-art equipment. The premises were inaugurated in December 2012 and contain three distinct learning spaces: a production chain; a workbench area fitted with a range of command, security and learning systems; and an area for conception, simulation and blended learning exercises.

Two types of training course are on offer: one covers electronic automatics, while the other is on robotics and programming of digital command machine systems.

An innovative approach comprising multimedia and database learning

The use of multimedia and database learning tools, along with the development of a modular system which can be adapted to each individual student so as to enable them to learn independently, gives the project a highly innovative aspect. Moreover, the approach aims to allow participants to carry out the same operations as they would in a workplace, using the same components, tools and methods.

Each training session can cater for groups of 8-12 students, with an estimated 360 people expected to be trained each year. Of these, 25 % should be either workers or job-seekers.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Centre de Technologies Avancées – Automatismes industriels” is EUR 1 136 000, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 478 500 from the Operational Programme ‘Brussels Capital Region” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.