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German broadcaster Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg's new energy centre helps environment

  • 10 July 2020

The public broadcasting corporation in Germany's federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), constructed its own in-house electricity cogeneration plant for power and heating. This not only saves the broadcaster money, but also helps the environment and contributes to Berlin becoming a sustainable, energy-efficient and resource-efficient region.

The new power plant not only eases the financial burden on the broadcasting company, it also protects the environment by helping to reduce CO2 emissions and conserve energy. It can’t get any better than this.

Thomas Westpfahl, head of building services engineering at Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB)

The new power plant will reduce CO2 emissions by about 3 100 tonnes per year. In Germany, these savings represent the average annual CO2 emissions of almost 330 adults.

RBB’s new energy centre not only benefits the company itself, because climate change is a problem that exists across state and national borders. While the power plant saves on electricity costs, the reduced energy consumption helps the federal state of Berlin achieve its climate targets. With this step, RBB is setting an example and motivating other companies to follow suit.

Waste gas into energy

Construction of the new energy centre started early in 2017 and was completed in 2020. It uses waste gas that would normally escape through chimneys to power an absorption refrigeration system.

This cycle saves energy and reduces emissions, allowing RBB to avoid having to use the external district heat supply. For the most part, the broadcaster independently generates its own heating, cooling, and electrical energy.

The financial savings will be used for the benefit of RBB’s programming.

ERDF subsidy

RBB covers its expenses with earnings from broadcast licence fees. Had it not been for ERDF funding, the broadcaster would not have been able to finance the costly construction.

Furthermore, the institution was not familiar with the ins and outs of energy and utilities and therefore needed technical support. This was provided by external technical planners who developed the energy concept and carried out the detailed planning.

With its Berlin Programme for Sustainable Development (BENE Climate), the ERDF is co-funding measures, projects, and initiatives that promote a climate-neutral and environmentally friendly Berlin. Funding is for energy-saving measures in the corporate sector and for energy-saving investments and use of renewable energy in public infrastructure and buildings.

Funding is also provided for improvements to public transport, including bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The objective of the programme is to reduce CO2 emissions in the private and public sectors to balance economic growth and resource preservation. This expedites ecological structural change and improves the quality of life and the environment in Berlin.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “New Energy Centre for the public broadcasting corporation of the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg – Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg” is EUR 5 579 115, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 2 789 557 through the “Berlin ERDF” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Energy Union and Climate”.