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Gas pipeline brings major boost to energy infrastructure

  • 10 December 2014

The construction of a 167 km high-pressure natural gas pipeline from Agioi Theodori to Megalopoli in southern mainland Greece brings economic and environmental benefits. In addition to increasing the supply of natural gas to the industrial and domestic sectors, the new pipeline helps to reduce CO2 emissions.

The pipeline’s key role is to deliver a continuous supply of gas to the thermoelectric power station in Megalopoli, as well as to the urban and rural areas through which it passes. The pipeline is capable of delivering 550 million Nm3 (normal cubic metre) of natural gas to the station every year. What is more, replacing lignite fuel with natural gas yields a 1 506 kiloton annual reduction in CO2 output.

As things stand, the new pipeline starts at 30 inches in diameter, running from the line valve station at Agioi Theodori before heading west, crossing the Corinth Isthmus and terminating near Examilia. Here it reduces in size to 24 inches in diameter and heads south to south-west, before linking with the station at Megalopoli.

Other essential infrastructure includes various line valve stations, and a number of receivers with vanes for future consumers. Remote control and operating systems have been extended, as have the telecommunications systems – all of which are essential for managing the new pipeline.

Improving competitiveness

Developing and running this new pipeline significantly expands the existing National Natural Gas System, and enhances the productive power capacity of the entire country. More specifically, it promises to improve the competitiveness of local businesses. The project was also designed to allow for future expansion of the pipeline in the Peloponnisos region – specifically in Patras, Kalamata and Sparti.

Furthermore, the project is expected to create 470 temporary employment opportunities during the implementation phase and 25 permanent jobs once the project is operational.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline Agioi Theodori - Megalopoli” is EUR 128 148 376, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 29 019 750 from the Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period. Work falls under the priority “Completion of the national energy system and enhancement of sustainability”.