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Finland and Estonia shine a new light on an old history

  • 13 June 2019

The EU-funded LightsOn! project developed eight historically valuable, but fairly unknown and undeveloped sites, in Finland and Estonia. By enhancing them with new events, infrastructure and innovative services, and by introducing elements of game-playing, the project successfully shed new light on these cultural treasures.

“The name of the project is not just a clever pun. The LightsOn! project installed actual lights at four of the eight historic sites, prolonging the tourist season and substantially improving the visitor experience.”

Aino von Boehm, project manager

Estonian and Finnish cultures have been in constant interaction since prehistoric times. As a result, there are key historic sites scattered on both sides of the Gulf of Finland. Despite their cultural importance, these sites remained undeveloped as tourist attractions. Because the sites produced little benefit to the local economy, there was no incentive for community tourist organisations to promote them. 

Recognizing the potential that many of these fortresses and ruins had to become attractive tourist destinations, the EU-funded LightsOn! project focused on making eight sites more attractive and sustainable. They did this through three key activities: improving the visitor experience, developing innovative marketing tools, and introducing new tourism products and services.

Improving the visitor experience

To improve the overall visitor experience, the project built high-quality information points, added trails and marked viewpoints, installed permanent lighting and other infrastructure to better serve visitors. Thanks to new on-site interpretations that leverage modern technologies, visitors can use mobile guiding, mobile apps and augmented reality for an enhanced experience. 

A visual highlight of the project was a custom-made digital light art installation entitled Reflection of history, which was displayed on the walls of Raseborg Castle during the 2017 Light Festival – a unique way of making history come alive.

Innovative marketing tools and sustainable tourism services 

Alongside the physical and experimental development of the individual sites, a number of innovative marketing tools were established. Many of these tools use modern strategies like gamification and social media. In addition, the project regularly organised special public events, such as an annual Light Festival and historical re-enactments. The 16 public events that have already been held welcomed over 20 000 visitors in total.

The project helped local entrepreneurs plan, design, and develop new tourism products and services by bringing cultural management and creative entrepreneurship together. This enabled local communities to derive more economic benefits from the sites. Tourism operators were able to participate in a training programme on sustainable tourism.

Encouraging exploration 

The LightsOn! project encouraged people to explore the area’s spectacular ruins, fortresses, hillforts and parks. As a result, these important cultural sites are seeing more visitors, attracting new audiences and encouraging travellers to move between the sites. This in turn benefits local communities, not only in increased tourism-related business, but culturally too as the project raised awareness about the important shared history of this intercultural region.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Lights on!” is EUR 1 873 669, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 1 466 852 through the “Interreg V-A - Finland-Estonia-Latvia-Sweden (Central Baltic)” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Sustainable use of common resources”.