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Extension and modernisation of sewer systems to benefit Romania’s capital city

  • 24 September 2014

An investment in sewerage infrastructure in Bucharest and surrounding localities looks set to improve the quality of life for more than two million people. Work covers the rehabilitation and extension of wastewater collection and treatment systems.

The project is expected to benefit inhabitants in Bucharest and eleven neighbouring localities in the county of Ilfov and aims to meet the country’s water compliance obligations in the EU Accession Treaty.

Wastewater infrastructure

The overall scheme has been divided into two stages for environmental, technical and financial reasons. This project covers stage one and includes the following:

The extension of the wastewater treatment plant located at the Glina commune, which lies to the south-east of BucharestConstruction of a sludge incinerator, andAction to reduce the infiltration flow in the Bucharest municipality of Caseta, which consists of building a drainage system and related works at drainage outlets at the lakes of Titan, Carol and Tinetetului. A couple of main sewer collectors are also rehabilitated as part of the scheme.

Thanks to the project, the quality of the Dambovita river will also meet the objectives assigned by the corresponding river basin management plan.

In addition, EU funding covers technical assistance for project management and the supervision of works, as well as auditing services.

Stage two of the scheme is scheduled to be carried out between 2014 and 2020, and will include extensive work to revamp the sewerage network around Caseta.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Finalisation of Glina WWTP, rehabilitation of the main sewer collectors and of Dambovita sewer collector canal (CASETA), Bucharest Municipality” is EUR 258 352 050, of which the EU’s Cohesion Fund is contributing EUR 130 491 396 from the “Environment” operational programme” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period. Work falls under the priority “Extension and modernisation of water and wastewater systems".