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Extending access to modern water and sewage facilities in the city of Radom and municipality of Zakrzew

  • 16 December 2014

In this second phase of modernisation of the city of Radom’s water collection, treatment and supply system, a further 6 000 people will be able to access the new water supply and more than 8 000 will be connected to the new sewerage system.

The investment in the water infrastructure aims to face shortcomings in the current water supply and sewerage system, by increasing access to wastewater collection services and ensuring high-quality wastewater treatment. The project further aims to ensure that municipal water and wastewater management complies with relevant EU legislation.

More residents connected to utilities

The city of Radom and municipality of Zakrzew have a population of more than 350 000 inhabitants and currently 96 % of the population is connected to the mains water supply. The additional 60 kilometres of water mains aim to ensure that nearly 6 000 more residents are connected to the mains system, bringing the percentage of the population with access to the mains to more than 98 %.

In addition to connecting residents to the water mains supply, nearly 8 500 will be connected to the sewage system, via an additional 80 km of sewerage and sanitation line. Nine kilometres of storm-water drainage will be built, to protect against flooding.

Biogas recovery

The investment includes the modernisation and extension of facilities for processing sewage sludge. It is anticipated that this will reduce sludge by more than 1 000 tonnes per year. New mechanical dehydration techniques and a reduction in the quantity of water evaporated by more than a million cubic metres will reduce the amount of natural gas used in the process.

Around 4 million kWh worth of biogas will be recovered from the sewage sludge each year. The electricity and heat will be used mostly to meet the treatment plant’s own energy needs, making the plant more environmentally friendly and reducing its operating costs.

It is estimated that 24 jobs will be created during the implementation of the project. The project builds on an earlier phase of infrastructure development to modernise and extend the water and sewage system in the Radom agglomeration, which received funding under the 2000-2006 programming period.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Modernisation and extension of the water and sewage system in Radom agglomeration – phase II” is EUR 68 980 853, of which the EU’s Cohesion Fund is contributing EUR 34 538 475 from the Operational Programme “Infrastructure and Environment” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period, under the priority axis “Water and sewage management”.