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An Alsace-based entrepreneurial craft beer adventure

  • 04 October 2019

In Alsace (France), the Trois Mâts (Three Masts) brewery project has made it possible to create an original venue for the production and sale of craft beers, thus revitalising a district and encouraging gustatory discovery.

I had the idea five years ago, back when I was a brewer in Quebec. After considerable reflection, I started three years ago. Contacts with stakeholders such as the Chamber of Trades and Crafts, Initiative Strasbourg, and Alsace Active guided me in the different stages of my project.

Erwin Sohn, Manager

The "Trois Mâts" brewery has accomplished its mission: to restore beer's reputation for excellence by showcasing it as an item that should be savoured. In order to do this, it was necessary to gain the trust of financial partners, to think in the long term about creating both an economic development project and a venue with the potential to welcome clients and brewers.

Foreign practices for local outreach

Based in Neuhof, a priority district for the politics of the city of Strasbourg, the "Trois Mâts" brewery contributes to the social cohesion and vitality of this district by producing unique beer and organising occasional concerts and plays.

After several trips to Quebec, Scotland, and Switzerland, Erwin Sohn set up this craft brewery company where each beer is fermented with a different yeast strain inspired by, in particular, Belgian, American or Irish beers. Since 2016, the brewery has been offering six types of beer, lightly bitter and low in alcohol, for direct sale or, through a commercial website, to bars, restaurants, associations and individuals.

A project for promoting specialty beers

The main challenges identified in completing the project were: sourcing institutional and private partners, finding suitable premises for production, inviting people to taste and sell beers, and contacting suppliers.

The brewery has also been equipped with brewing equipment and beer taps that now enable consumers to discover the many ways of creating craft beer. The final product also breaks new ground through the shape of the bottle, which is unique within the French market, as well as in the culture and development of yeasts used.

Finally, in addition to inviting people to beer tastings, the "Trois Mâts" brewery advises its customers in the choice of dishes that can be served with beer. For example, the white beer "Polaris" produced by the brewery is best drunk with foie gras or smoked fish, the "Kraken" with beets, endives, or dishes seasoned with nutmeg, cinnamon, star anise, or cranberries.


Total investment and European financing

The "Trois Mâts Brewery" project received a total investment of EUR 7 813 335; the contribution from the European Regional Development Fund amounts to EUR 2 344 001 under the “Interregional Programme Alsace 2014-2020” cooperation programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the "Employment, Growth, and Investment" priority.