
Creating the CASA network to develop solutions for assisted living

  • 19 December 2014

The Consortium for Assistive Solutions Adoption (CASA) network brought together 13 regions to find joined-up solutions and share best practices and policies for assisted living.

Cooperation is essential: if you want to be incrementally better: be competitive. If, however, you want to be exponentially better: be cooperative

Fabian Dominguez, Government of Flanders

Ageing populations, and particularly those with chronic diseases, are placing increasing pressure on health and welfare systems. Chronic diseases now account for an average of two thirds of healthcare costs in developed countries, even though 80 % of such diseases are preventable.

Personalised healthcare systems offering guidance at home and outdoors represent a way forward, and the CASA project provided a platform for 14 partners from nine countries to work together in the field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). They developed a more structured approach in order to accelerate the uptake and rollout of new technologies, while also reviewing policies on care.

Developing new technologies

“Partnerships, knowledge sharing, networking and benchmarking are ideal instruments for tackling the demographic challenges together,” says Fabian Dominguez of the Flemish Government Department of Welfare, Public health and Family, which led the project. Focusing on developing new technologies will not only improve healthcare, but it will also reduce the economic constraints of ageing populations.

CASA partners organised several study visits, conferences and seminars for sharing and demonstrating good practices within the partnership. Many experts from all over Europe participated in these events, thus creating a framework for continued and deeper cooperation.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Consortium for Assistive Solutions Adaptation” (CASA) is EUR 2 635 999, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 2 002 154 from the Operational Programme “INTERREG IVC” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.