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Clean drinking water and efficient sewage systems in Bihor County, Romania

  • 29 March 2018

Scheduled for completion at the end of 2020, implementation of the second phase of a project to extend and modernise water and waste water infrastructure in Bihor County, north-west Romania, has been made possible by EU funding. Along with the county seat of Oradea, the drinking water and waste water collection and treatment networks covered by the project serve the areas of Alparea, Beiuș, Fughiu, Girișu de Criș, Nojorid, Oșorhei, Paleu, Palota, Săldăbagiu de Munte, Sântandrei, Tărian and Tinca.

Some two-thirds of the work was done in the project’s first phase, while in the second phase, the drinking water network is to be extended by 14.2 km, of which 0.97 km are in Oradea, 5.22 km are in Sântandrei and 8.01 km are in Paleu.

A further 16.38 km of the network (16.14 km in Oradea and 0.24 km in Sântandrei) are to be rehabilitated, while 16.14 km of new water main is to be laid. Of this, 8.61 km are in Sântandrei and 7.53 km are in Paleu.

The project also entails construction of three pumping stations (two in Sântandrei and the other in Paleu), four reservoirs (two in each of Sântandrei and Paleu) and three chlorination stations (one in Sântandrei and two in Paleu).

Improved waste water collection and treatment

As regards waste water collection and treatment, the sewer network is to be extended by 24.36 km, of which 8.07 km are in Oradea, 6.63 km are in Sântandrei and 9.66 km are in Paleu. A further 15.49 km of the network are to be renovated in Oradea.

Other elements of the project include construction of 19.58 km of discharge channels (1.91 km in Oradea, 11.15 km in Sântandrei and 6.52 km in Paleu) and 17 pumping stations (seven in Sântandrei, nine in Paleu and one in Beiuș).

Two waste water treatment plants are also to be built, one to serve Beiuș and the other to serve Tinca. The same two areas will benefit from the acquisition of two supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems for the monitoring of processes within the sewage network.

Health and environmental benefits

One of the main aims of the project is to ensure provision of clean drinking water for the local population, which numbers almost 250 000 people. The improvements should also help to reduce losses of water from the drinking water distribution network. Furthermore, thanks to the work over both phases, the risk of uncontrolled discharge of untreated waste water and resulting environmental pollution will be minimised.

As a consequence of the extensions, an additional 22 800 people will be connected to the drinking water network and will have continuous access to good quality water, which will bring significant public health benefits. As far as the waste water part of the project is concerned, connection rates to the sewage network are expected to reach 100 % in Oradea, 98 % in Beiuș, 97 % in Tinca and 90 % in Girișu de Criș, Nojorid, Palota, Sântandrei and Tărian.

Total investment and EU funding 

Total investment for the project “Extension and modernisation of water and waste water infrastructure in the Bihor County” is EUR 24 217 610, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 15 458 548 through the “Large Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period.