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Business centre boosts jobs and growth in Central Romania

  • 25 January 2016

The first Multinvest Business Center, strategically situated in Târgu Mures in Central Romania, provides jobs for talented young professionals in a state-of-the-art office building.

Our city needs more buildings and investments like this, providing state-of-the-art facilities where talented young people can work. If we inaugurate a building like this every year, our city will become a strong force in the business world.

Gogolak H. Zsolt, General manager, Multinvest LTD

The business centre has already created 60 new jobs for the region and its occupancy is at 100 %. The centre is home to 11 microenterprises and 3 SMEs. Other occupants include consultancy and design firms, as well as architectural, investment management, transportation, tourism, real estate and marketing companies.

A new business hub for the region

The centre supports the growth of the regional and local business environment and expects to become a true business hub for the city in the future by attracting new business and investment, thereby helping the entire region to move forward. Innovative technologies such as the efficient use of rainwater, green terraces and parks, smart lighting systems and renewable energy supplies have all been used to create a green, healthy work environment.

The strategic location of the business centre is also key. Situated in the historical town centre of Târgu Mures, the centre is in an ideal location for companies to base their operations in the town. The centre also has easy access to the E60 motorway, railway network and the Târgu Mures International Airport. Significantly Târgu Mures will also be an important connection point for the planned “Transylvania” and “Târgu Mures – Iasi” motorways.

The centre will also be financially sustainable thanks to the renting out of office space in its facilities. Service costs for companies based in the centre are customised according to needs. This ensures that businesses of all sizes and requiring different solutions can be catered for. The centre also hosts events, conferences and workshops which bring in further income.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Multinvest Business Center” is EUR 6 591 956 of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 2 898 057 from the Romania Regional Operational Programme for the 2007-2013 programming period.