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Boosting water supply and wastewater management in the heart of Romania

  • 09 May 2018

Change is coming to many parts of Mureș county — and one area located beyond its borders: by mid-2019, all households in the project area should be connected to the drinking water supply network. Wastewater collection and treatment systems are also being upgraded.

Phase II of an EU-funded project is completing work on drinking water supply systems, wastewater collection networks and treatment facilities in a number of areas situated in two counties of Romania’s Centru region.

Nine areas in Mureș county are involved: work is being carried out in county capital Târgu Mureș, as well as in Câmpenița, Miercurea Nirajului, Pogăceaua, Sărmașu, Sighișoara, Târnăveni and Voiniceni. The project’s scope also encompasses activities in the city of Cristuru Secuiesc, which is located in the neighbouring county of Harghita.

The aim of this infrastructure upgrade is to extend the water distribution network to put clean drinking water on tap for all households in the combined project area, to reduce water losses in the network, and to upgrade the sewage system to reduce environmental and health risks. It is the second phase of an infrastructure intervention initiated in the 2007-2013 programming period.

Reinforcing the distribution network…

Improvements to the water supply systems include the construction of new distribution pipelines, of a combined length of 10.53 km, in Sighișoara and Târgu Mureș. They also involve the rehabilitation of 27.31 km of water network in Târgu Mureș, and work on 12.19 km of existing water transport main in total, between Voiniceni and Sărmașu and in Sighișoara.

Further work focuses on pumping stations, with eight such facilities being built or rehabilitated — three in Sighișoara, two in Târgu Mureș, and one each in Câmpenița, Pogăceaua and Voiniceni. Four water tanks are being renovated, in Câmpenița, Pogăceaua, Sărmașu and Voiniceni. The project also involves three new or improved drinking water treatment plants, respectively located in Cristuru Secuiesc, Miercurea Nirajului and Sighișoara.

…and upgrading sewers and treatment facilities

Dealing with wastewater is the second main stream of activity in the project. Sewer network extensions over a combined total of 11.03 km are under way in Sighișoara and Târgu Mureș. In addition, 5.25 km of sewer network are being rehabilitated in Târgu Mureș.

Along with Cristuru Secuiesc and Sighișoara, the county capital is also one of three areas where new discharge pipe is being built, of a total length of 1.9 km. All three locations will additionally benefit from new pumping stations. Six such facilities are under construction: one in Cristuru Secuiesc, one in Târgu Mureș and four in Sighișoara.

Further rehabilitation work in the project focuses on the renovation of two wastewater treatment plants. These facilities are located in Reghin and Târnăveni.

Once completed, these works will connect all homes in the combined project area to the distribution network, ensuring that all residents have access to a reliable supply of clean drinking water. The project is also designed to connect all households to the wastewater collection system and thereby minimise the risk of untreated wastewater being discharged into the environment.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Extension and refurbishment of water and waste water infrastructure in the Mureș County” is EUR 25 718 457, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR EUR 16 432 168 through the “Large Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Development of environmental infrastructure based on an efficient management of resources”.