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A to Z solutions for the operating theatre

  • 13 June 2014

Sanitanet offers a completely integrated, comprehensive service for the medical operating room, including medical products and equipment and start-up and routine services. This improves treatment for the patient and increases the enterprises’ competitiveness.

The service offered by Sanitanet represents an innovative integration of products and services of partner enterprises, bringing into the network decades of experience, advanced manufacturing technology and long established skills.

Lucio Caporizzi of the Umbria Region’s Regional Council

Sanitanet S.r.l., a network of five different enterprises, is dedicated to developing and implementing integrated, comprehensive and innovative products and services for operating rooms and medical facilities. The network, created via the strategic support of NetValue S.r.l. (a spin-off enterprise of the University of Perugia), with the collaboration of the Umbria Region, is based on the model of the Virtual Development Office (VDO).

By pulling from the expertise of its five networked enterprises, Sanitanet is redefining the operating room by providing a more cost-effective and process-efficient service to patients. Its monitoring, training and management solutions are creating new jobs while simultaneously lowering the social and economic impact of infectious diseases.

A global service

Sanitanet’s complete proposal ensures that all operating rooms are properly equipped, staffed and maintained. This includes providing innovative disposable and reusable medical devices, developing specialised surgical instruments and tracking use and inventory of all supplies via a computerised inventory management system. In addition, the company is in the process of designing the operating room of the future, which includes automated processes for cleaning, sterilisation and maintenance – all key factors in mitigating post-operative infections. 

Innovative products

The company is at the forefront of innovation. It launched such new products and services as customised surgical packs that include all tools and components needed for a particular type of operation. It also offers a new model of integrated hospital management that includes the management of the enterprise network with VDO dedicated to the service.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Sanitanet” is EUR 2 132 127, with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 678 371 for the 2007-2013 programming period.