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A new, modern library for Kozani, Greece

  • 02 December 2019

With the support of EU-funding, the Greek city of Kozani now has the modern library it needs to present and preserve its vast collection of rare and valuable books, manuscripts, and journals.

I believe I fully reflect the historical reality by saying that Kozani, one of the great historical centres of the Enlightenment, has now acquired the intellectual hearthstone it deserves. And to make it clear: this new building, with its architectural integrity and state-of-the-art equipment, is a true model library that keeps abreast of time and at the same time does credit to the centuries-old legacy and tradition that it has inherited.

Prokopis Pavlopoulos, President of the Hellenic Republic

The Municipal Library of Kozani’s collection became so vast that it ran out of room. Instead of being made available to the public, part of this unique collection was stored away in warehouses. 

To ensure the public can access the entire collection, and to preserve it for future generations, this EU-funded project built and furnished a new, 4 423 square metre state-of-the-art library.

A popular place

The new library consists of two buildings linked via a light, transparent structure that also houses the communal areas. In addition to the main library, the two-story building includes two basements, utility rooms, a shop, administration offices, reception, reading room, children’s library, and Paleotype Hall. There is also a secure location for the library’s most valued pieces, including its historical archive. An exhibition area is being developed which, when complete, will host both permanent and temporary displays.

The new library has already proved to be a hit. In the first two months of its opening, over 6 000 people reserved books, more than 5 000 took advantage of the reading room, and nearly 3 000 students visited as part of a school trip. 

A City of Books

Thanks to this EU-funded project, Kozani now has the flagship library needed to make good on its reputation as a ‘City of Books’. The building houses the library’s rare and valued collection, which includes over 130 000 volumes, 5 500 journals, and 257 Byzantine/post-Byzantine and foreign language manuscripts. 

On the shelves one can find, among others, a range of Greek and Ottoman publications, edicts, documents, codex, and maps, along with publications by modern Greek Enlightenment and Western Macedonian scholars. The collection includes such gems as Aristotle's Metaphysics and History of Animals (1497 print), Rigas Feraios Charta (print 1796-97), Anthimos Gazi's World Map (print 1800), and the first Greek newspaper edited by the brothers Markides Pouliou (Ephemeris 1790-1797).

With such a vast and diverse collection, the building aims to position Kozani as a cultural tourist destination – particularly for those interested in the history and culture of Western Macedonia and the Balkans.


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Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Creation of Public Library’s Building and Library’s Museum” is EUR 5 081 067 (2007-2013) and EUR 3 970 983 (2014-2020), with the EU’s European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 5 081 067(2007-2013) and EUR 3 176 787 (2014-2020) through the “Macedonia - Thrace” and “Western Macedonia" Regional Operational Programmes for the 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods respectively. The investment falls under the priority “Environment and resource efficiency”.