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A boost for research and innovation in the Centre-Val de Loire region

  • 18 February 2021

A new X-ray photoelectron spectrometer, which has been purchased by the CNRS Centre Limousin Poitou-Charentes, will enable academic and industrial laboratories, as well as companies in the Centre-Val de Loire region, to increase their research, development and innovation capacity. Located in the Interface, Confinement, Materials and Nanostructures Laboratory (ICMN), the equipment will be used to determine and map the chemical composition of the surface layer of materials.

This equipment is a great addition to the range of instruments available in the Centre-Val de Loire region. It enables a careful analysis to be undertaken of the surfaces and interfaces of new materials and a number of scientific problems to be solved. It will also give rise to new collaborations between academic laboratories and industrial partners.

Caroline Andreazza, scientific leader of the project

The objects to be examined will be very diverse, ranging from assemblies of supported nanoparticles to solid porous materials and thin films. Surfaces very often play a crucial role in the properties of these objects. Knowledge of their chemical composition is therefore a key element that is indispensable to researching and developing these materials and objects.

Increasing innovation capacity

The lines of business of the companies involved range from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals, and from micro- and nanotechnology to environmental activities.

Having a better knowledge of the surface layers of materials will enable the region's economic players to ensure the quality of their production and increase their innovation capacity. Once the virtuous circle has been initiated, it will have a strong impact on the Centre-Val de Loire region's economic potential.

Years of experience

ICMN is a ‘unité mixte de recherche’ (joint research unit) at the CNRS-University of Orléans that carries out research into numerous materials, carbons, silicas, metal alloys, polymers and composites. The laboratory has many years of experience in this type of analysis since it has had similar equipment for more than 30 years.

However, the latest equipment, which is 16 years old, is now obsolete and not working. This equipment was the only one of its kind in the Centre-Val de Loire region.

Installing the latest-generation equipment in the region, combined with the associated new levels of performance, should lead to greater reactivity and interactivity between the different players, thereby making it possible to increase the number of partnerships. Since the equipment is not available in neighbouring regions, the Centre-Val de Loire region will be at the forefront of this field, providing an important asset for regional companies.

The equipment was delivered on 8 January 2019 and an installation and suitability check was issued on 9 December 2019. However, the regular service inspection was not completed due to the supplier not yet lifting a number of restrictions. The project therefore remains ongoing.

Total investment and European funding

Total investment for the “Acquisition of an X-ray photoelectric spectrometer (XPS) for the ICMN laboratory” project is EUR 700 000; the contribution of the European Regional Development Fund amounts to EUR 350 000 under the "Loire ERDF" cooperation programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the 'Jobs, Growth and Investment' priority.