
Projects Database

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Eumint: Support for refugee integration in the Italian-Austrian border area

Implemented in the autonomous provinces of Bolzano and Trento and the regions of Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia in Italy, and the Austrian states of Carinthia and Tyrol, the Eumint project tackles social, economic, political and cultural challenges linked to integration of asylum seekers and refugees. It focuses on three aspects: cross-border cooperation between municipal, regional and Euro-regional institutions; civic integration; and labour market integration.

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Projects |
Easier integration for refugees and migrants in Belgian-German-Dutch border region

Implemented in the Euroregio Meuse-Rhine, which straddles the borders of Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, the TREE project aimed to improve integration procedures for refugees and migrants. About 60 people, including social workers, teachers, interpreters, and administrative and medical staff, received training in three areas: development of intercultural communication skills, support for refugees during the integration process, and building personal resilience.

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