
Projects Database

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Strengthening Poland’s position in a pan-European rail network

Phase two of an EU-funded project renovates a 15 km section of the E30/C-E30 rail track between Kraków and Rzeszów in Poland to complete the upgrading of 138.7 km of track linking some of the most important cities in the south of the country with destinations further afield, such as Berlin and Dresden. The improved link will contribute towards stimulating pan-European trade and making the rail network a fast and attractive option for passengers and freight.

Projects |
Sustainability, competitiveness and business growth in industry and mining in Lapland

An EU-funded regional project is supporting the competitiveness and growth of small and medium-sized service businesses in industry and mining in Lapland, Finland. The aim is to promote the sustainable refining of natural resources and recovered secondary raw materials through multi-discipline cooperation ‘clusters’ of businesses. The achievements of the project include developing Arctic industry and a circular economy-friendly cluster, which have promoted several sustainable pilots in the region.
