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Sustainable waste treatment plant in Greece’s West Macedonia region reduces landfilling

EU financing has supported the design and construction of an integrated management system and treatment plant for municipal waste in Greece’s West Macedonia region. In line with the requirements of national and EU rules, the plant has reduced the amount of municipal waste ending up in the landfill, increased the recovery of recyclable and biodegradable materials and has led to the production of compost.

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Belgium, Netherlands develop rehabilitation technology for patients with arm dysfunction

The Rehabilitation Robotics II project brought together scientists, therapists, and gaming and IT engineers from universities, colleges and healthcare institutions in Belgium and the Netherlands to share knowledge and create a virtual training environment and a customised robot to help rehabilitate patients with impaired arm function.

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Visitors to Hungarian fossil reserve double in number after EU-funded restoration

The Ipolytarnóc Fossil Nature Conservation Area in Hungary is a unique paleohabitat that was well preserved due to a volcanic eruption in the Miocene epoch. Following a restoration with EU funds, the area now has a new visitors’ centre with a time-travel simulation. The cinematographic display was part of the improvements, along with a tree canopy walkway that shows models of birds’ nests and mammals’ resting places. Playgrounds were built and guided tours developed specially for children, with a visualised interpretation of the historic Ipolytarnóc village. As a result, the number of visitors doubled over five years to some 50 000 visits a year. 
