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Ultra-low energy passive house

A new educational resource centre in a remote and mountainous part of the Czech Republic has become a flag bearer for modern ‘passive house’ design combined with traditional construction techniques and materials. The Hostetin Centre for Sustainable Rural Development uses as much as 80% less energy than a conventional building.

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Working for sustainable energy

Spain’s National Renewable Energy Centre (CENER) started as an agreement between the national and regional governments. Today it employs almost 200 skilled professionals, making it an industrial reference centre for the research, development and promotion of renewable energies nationally and internationally.

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Renewable energy turnaround in Alsace

Energivie is bringing innovative strategies for sustainable development to fruition in the Alsace region of France. Co-financed by the ERDF, the Alsace Regional Council and the ADEME, the project is raising the profile of renewable energies in the region, most particularly from solar and wood-based sources.

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A boon to parents and the environment

Luxembourg has a wide range of reception facilities for children of pre-school and school age. A state-of-the-art building in the south-west of the country offers first-rate accommodation for local children outside of school hours and incorporates a host of energy-saving and other green features.

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Piedmont sets sights on hydrogen economy

The Piedmont region in northern Italy is opening up its industries to new forms of hydrogen application in preparation for the new hydrogen industry of tomorrow. HySy Lab brings together research centres, universities and small businesses to develop hydrogen-based projects. Overcoming challenges such as fuel storage on a hydrogen-powered scooter is made easier thanks to the combined expertise of the synergies formed.

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Projects |
Surmounting the Alps with a car carrying train service

The “Car carrying Train Iselle – Briga” project is providing safer, quicker and more sustainable transportation on an existing railway between Brig, Switzerland and Iselle of Transquera, Italy.
