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In 2020, the Manifesto for young people by young people to shape the European cooperation policy identified five key policy fields important to the future of young people and issued 12 recommendations for better involvement of young people’s concerns in cooperation

The European Year of Youth 2022 is the occasion to deepen the process of young people’s involvement in cooperation. googleThe European Year of Youth 2022 is the occasion to deepen the process of young people’s involvement in cooperation.

Youth4Cooperation reaches all age groups, from elementary school to young professionals. A series of projects and events will emphasize the importance of youth to reach Macro-Regional Strategies and Interreg programmes’ objectives. Dedicated communication campaigns will showcase the benefits cooperation brings to young people around Europe.

Youth4Cooperation already makes an impact on the ground:

  • Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY). The IVY initiative allows young people between 18-30 to work in Interreg projects and programme secretariats, to get to know actual projects and see Interreg achievements in action. Volunteers work with an administration in charge of managing Interreg programmes or contribute directly to an Interreg funded project. 
  • Youth strategic initiatives in Macro-Regional Strategies (MRS). In recent years, MRS have boosted youth involvement in their governance process. The EU Strategy for the Alpine Region has already set up a Youth Council to associate young people to the decision making process. In 2022, similar initiatives are set up in the Strategies for the Baltic Sea Region, the Danube Region and the Adriatic and Ionian Region.
  • Youth involvement in cooperation events. Events like the Macro-Regional Strategies week and the Interreg Annual Event will provide a platform for young people to state their vision for the future cooperation and promote their contributions to Interreg programmes and Macro-Regional Strategies.

To find out more about the #Youth4Coop, check out our activities on the European Year of Youth website. You can also download the #Youth4Coop visual identity here. Still want more? Then check out the #Youth4Coop concept note and tentative list of events!

Youth4Cooperation Brochure

