en English

Regiostars 2020 - SHICC

The winners of the annual RegioStars awards - awarding outstanding Cohesion Policy projects - were announced in Brussels. And the winner for Category 4 - Citizens engagement for cohesive European Cities is: Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities (BE - DE - FR - IE - NL - UK).

European funds are being used to showcase a community-focused model for land and affordable housing solutions in four cities across Belgium, France and the UK. Currently in development, these pilot sites will be studied to assess how sustainable and inclusive communities can be launched elsewhere in Europe. The project aims to make information and expertise accessible to people hoping to launch their own initiatives.

Date: 14 oct 2020

Theme: Employment and social inclusion, Environment

Languages:   en

Subtitles:   en

Duration: 03:05

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RegioStars awards

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