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Regiostars 2019 - Energy Cells GR

The winners of the annual RegioStars awards - awarding outstanding Cohesion Policy projects - were announced in Brussels. And the winners are: Category 1 Promoting digital transformation: Energy Cells GR, a cross-border cooperation for sustainable energy consumption and balanced renewable energy production in the Greater Region;

The German, Belgian, French and Luxembourgian governments commissioned IZES gGmbH to develop an introductory technological programme for the take-up of stationary fuel cells.The use of highly efficient fuel cell heating systems for the combined production of heat and electricity makes a valuable contribution towards the achievement of these governments’ energy and climate protection targets and has a positive impact on their economies. Each of the four energy cells in the GR is a virtual power plant balancing electricity production and consumption by using storage capacities within the cell or by exchanging excess power with other interconnected cells (also as cross-border transfer) via smart grids on distribution grid level. The overall balancing is managed by a digital online controller in each energy cell driven by the electricity market. The objective is to integrate large shares of renewable energy into the power systems.

Date: 08 oct 2019

Theme: Information society, Regiostars

Languages:   de | en

Subtitles:   de | en

Duration: 02:15

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RegioStars Awards