en English

Regiostars 2019 - Climate Active Neighbourhoods (CAN)

The winners of the annual RegioStars awards - awarding outstanding Cohesion Policy projects - were announced in Brussels. And the winners are: Category 4 Building climate-resilient cities: Climate Active Neighbourhoods (CAN), a project retrofitting existing residential areas to improve overall CO2 emissions in North-West Europe

Energy retrofits of existing residential areas make an important contribution to achieving EU goals on CO2 emissions. Since 2016, the Climate Active Neighbourhoods project has been increasing the capacity of municipalities to implement their climate action strategies more effectively using a neighbourhood approach. Residents of deprived areas are empowered to take initiative and act for climate locally mainly thanks to energy-improved households, a key factor to reduce energy poverty.

Date: 09 oct 2019

Theme: Environment

Languages:   en | fr

Subtitles:   en | fr

Duration: 02:18

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RegioStars Awards