en English

Regiostars 2017 Winner - Coordination to improve gender-based violence victims' labour market integration and social inclusion

On Tuesday evening the European Commission's RegioStars Awards ceremony took place in Brussels as part of the European Week of Regions and Cities. This annual EU-wide competition puts the spotlight on the most innovative and inspiring EU funded projects and illustrates, through concrete real-life examples, how Cohesion Policy supports people's lives through the creation of economic growth and jobs at a regional level.

In addition to bringing recognition to the selected projects, it aims to foster the exchange of best practices between Cohesion Policy practitioners, as well as to inspire other project managers and managing authorities.

This year, the submitted projects competed in 5 categories: Smart Specialisation for SME innovation, Energy Union: climate change, Women empowerment and active participation, Education and Training, and CityStars: cities in digital transition.

Coordination to improve gender-based violence victims' labour market integration and social inclusion is the winner in the Category 3 - Women Empowerment and Active Participation.

A network of centres in Murcia, Spain supports female victims of gender-based violence. The regional employment and training service gives similar assistance. A project to improve coordination between them ensures more personalised support and a single point of contact.

More Information on the project

Date: 10 oct 2017

Theme: Regiostars, Employment and social inclusion

Languages:   en | es

Subtitles:   en | es

Duration: 02:23

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RegioStars Awards