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RegioStars 2016 Winner - Academy of Social Economy

The 2016 RegioStars Awards winner in Category 3  “Inclusive Growth” Academy of Social Economy (Malopolska Region, Poland - European Social Fund )

The Academy of Social Economy Development Project was implemented by the Regional Centre for Social Policy in Krakow and co-financed by the European Social Fund.

The project aimed to bring together individuals from marginalised communities or in a difficult situation and organisations which could help them re-integrating into society (such as NGOs, local government representatives, social and employment service, social economy entities) and create a professional and comprehensive support infrastructure for social economy in the Malopolska Region.

Over 1700 individuals benefitted from the project, as well as 245 social economy entities and 203 service entities. In addition, 126 organisations participated in local partnerships, a paper magazine was created and distributed to 1500 persons and 22 study tours were organised as well as 10 social economy events.

More Information on the project

Website - Academy of Social Economy

Date: 11 oct 2016

Theme: Employment and social inclusion, Regiostars

Languages:   en | pl

Subtitles:   en | pl

Duration: 01:33

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RegioStars Awards