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Cross-border public services: CPS inventory analysis and policy recommendations

Cross-border public services: CPS inventory analysis and policy recommendations


Date: 20 dec 2022

Theme: Cooperation between regions and countries

Languages:   en

This report presents the final findings of the study on cross-border public services and complements the previous reports. These focused on the conceptual framework, processes to achieve a sustainable CPS database and case studies. The data analysis is divided into two parts, firstly the geographical distribution of services with the resulting spatial-temporal patterns and characteristics. Then, specific features of the individual policy fields are examined, based on the hypothesis that CPS materialise differently in different fields. The report concludes with recommendations on further supporting sustainable data on CPS and achieving the best use of cross-border public services across Europe.

This report presents findings from the ‘Cross-border public services’ (CPS) study which reviews the potential to promote more and better CPS. The study has three specific objectives addressed in different reports, these are to:

  • consolidate the conceptual framework used to identify and document CPS in ‘Cross-border public services – The conceptual framework of the CPS inventory’;
  •  design a methodology and process for future inventory data input, validation and monitoring in ‘Cross-border public services – Methodology and processes for updating the CPS inventory’;
  • produce a policy analysis and recommendations on cross-border obstacles and future CPS deployment in this report and 30 case studies in ‘Cross-border public services – Case study collection’.
  • The analysis of the ESPON-REGIO CPS database is based on data as of 25 May 2022, giving a snapshot of CPS development. The analysis covers different dimensions including the geographical distribution of CPS and their spatial-temporal patterns, their characteristics and an analysis of CPS features by policy field.

    The analysis covers the 1,551 services in the ESPON-REGIO CPS database. Most CPS are along the borders of the six founding EU Member States and the Nordic countries. Density is the highest at the Belgian-Dutch border, followed by the Austrian-German and French-German borders. CPS are mostly located along borders with a long tradition of cross-border cooperation or with significant pressure for public services in sparsely populated territories.

    CPS cover nine policy areas, with very different numbers in the ESPON-REGIO CPS database for each (see table below). The spatial distribution of these nine themes is uneven across Europe. The policy areas reflect territorial specifics due to topography or natural assets, high demand for services, politically grounded urgency or the feasibility of adding value with such services.