en English

The impact of single market on cohesion : Implications for Cohesion Policy, Growth, and Competitveness

The impact of single market on cohesion : Implications for Cohesion Policy, Growth, and Competitveness


Date: 01 dec 2011

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Transport, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training, Structural Funds management and Governance, Inclusive growth

Languages:   en

The study assessed the impact of the Single Market on growth, competitiveness and employment in EU27, in particular as regards its role in generating disparities and convergence processes. It also analysed the institutional and policy linkages between cohesion policy, the Lisbon process and the Europe 2020 strategy. The study draws on a range of sources, including desk-based research, modeling work, econometric analysis as well as qualitative assessment through a number of case studies covering regions with different characteristics. The study draws conclusions concerning the alignment of cohesion policy with the Europe 2020 strategy, the integration of regions into the Single Market, the role of leading regions, the quality of public investment as well as the framework conditions for investments and addresses governance challenges.
