en English

Assess the potential for Investment Platforms supported by the Junker Plan in the Outermost Regions - Feasibility study


Date: 12 mar 2019

Theme: Outermost regions, Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en | es | fr | pt

This feasibility study undertaken by the European Investment Advisory Hub aims to assist the European Commission investigate the potential to create Investment Platform(s) in the Outermost Regions (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, Mayotte, La Réunion, Saint-Martin, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands) to support the greater deployment of the European Fund for Strategic Investments in these regions. The analysis undertaken for the study consisted of reviewing available documents (especially the ex-ante assessments undertaken for Financial Instruments potentially using European Structural and Investment Funds), and interviewing local stakeholders (e.g. Managing Authorities, financial intermediaries, chambers of commerce, local associations, others) during a series of on-site fact-finding visits. Discussions with the five National Promotional Banks and Institutions working in the nine Outermost Regions were also initiated to consider what could be improved regarding existing financing solutions and/or what could be developed (AFD, CDC and Bpifrance for the six French Regions, IFD for the two Portuguese Regions, and ICO for the Spanish Region).

This feasibility study provides preliminary conclusions on the financing needs that were identified as common to the nine Outermost Regions: micro-credit / microfinance, loan financing for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, blue economy, agriculture, and sector-wide Technical Assistance.

Considering these common financing needs, this feasibility study proposes a number of Investment Platforms and/or other financing schemes that could be potentially supported by the European Fund for Strategic Investments in the Outermost Regions. The solutions proposed consider three geographical levels: (i) the European Union or pan-regional level, (ii) the national level (preferably via National Promotional Banks and Institutions), and (iii) the regional or multi-regional level. All of the proposals imply an active role of actors in addition to the European Investment Bank Group (relevant Directorate-Generals within the European Commission, National Promotional Banks and Institutions, the Outermost Regions, and financial intermediaries). Moreover, this feasibility study has identified a need to further develop Technical Assistance solutions to underpin the development of sufficiently mature and investable project pipelines.

Finally, this feasibility study proposes next steps that may be undertaken.