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Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean : sharing experiences in regional development policies

Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean : sharing experiences in regional development policies


Date: 10 jun 2015

Theme: Environment, International Affairs , Research and innnovation, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training, Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en | es | pt

Gaining greater insight into the aims and methods of European Regional Policy has become particularly important in recent years for Latin American countries. It is enabling the latter to develop and implement policies to promote a more even pattern of economic development, thereby helping to boost national competitiveness and levels of employment, while improving cross-border cooperation. Such is the importance of this field on the South American continent that a Red Latinoamericana de Políticas Públicas de Desarrollo Regional (Latin American Network of Public Policies on Regional Development) has been established, with EU support, bringing together 17 countries to exchange experience and best practices. And in the context of the broader Europe-Latin America relationship, the June 2015 Summit of the EU and the Community of Latin America and Caribbean States (CELAC) is themed on "Shaping our common future: working for prosperous, cohesive and sustainable societies for our citizens", which as the title suggests, has a strong territorial development dimension.