en English

EU - Latin America

The European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) should engage in a dialogue on territorial cohesion and equity and on regional development policies, with a particular focus on cross-border cooperation and on territorial development strategies, to strengthen the capacity of the regional and urban authorities to promote economic development and innovation and social inclusion and cohesion.

EU-CELAC Action Plan adopted at the II EU-CELAC Summit held in Brussels on 10-11 June 2015

DG REGIO have established regional and urban policy dialogues with Brazil (2007), Chile (2010), Argentina (2012), Peru (2013), Mexico (2014) and Colombia (2015).

The different dialogues address, inter alia, exchanges of information and practices on policies aiming at economic, social and territorial cohesion; on setting up and implementing regional policy; on multi-level governance and partnership issues.The different dialogues address, inter alia, exchanges of information and practices on policies aiming at economic, social and territorial cohesion; on setting up and implementing regional policy; on multi-level governance and partnership issues.

Principal among the fields of activity of EU regional policy that are of interest to Latin American countries, are cross-border cooperation and inter-regional cooperation, regional innovation and competitiveness and sustainable urban development.

Latin American countries are important partners for the EU in the actions carried out to further this cooperation, namely:

  • International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) programme for city-to-city cooperation on sustainable urban development and region-to-region cooperation on regional innovation
  • INNOV-AL project promotes the exchange of knowledge and good practices on the definition and implementation of decentralized innovation policies and smart specialization policies at the regional level and the cooperation between the national and regional authorities of six countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Mexico) and between these and their counterparts in the EU.
  • INNOVACT project to identify and develop strategies, action plans and concrete projects or programmes for the development of cross-border value chains in seven Latin American border areas
Report: Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean: sharing experiences in regional development policies
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