en English

Summary of data on the progress made in financing and implementing financial engineering instruments reported by the managing authorities


Date: 30 sep 2014

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Energy, Environment, Urban development, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training, Financial Instruments

Languages:   en

in accordance with Article 67(2)(j) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006. Programming period 2007-2013 (situation as at 31 December 2013)

This is the third successive year that the Commission has produced the summary of data on the progress made in financing and implementing financial engineering instruments (FEIs), reported by the managing authorities in accordance with Article 67(2)(j) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006.

In view of the increased share of cohesion policy resources delivered through FEIs during 2007-2013 it became necessary to enhance the transparency of the implementation process and ensure appropriate monitoring by the Member States and by the Commission. Accordingly, Article 67 of Council Regulation (EC) 1083/2006 was modified to provide that annual implementation reports for the years 2011 onwards and due by 30th June of each year, would include reporting data on the progress made in financing and implementing FEIs asdefined in Article 44 of the Regulation, and the Commission would prepare a summary of this data by 1st October of the same year.

The data for 2013 were sent to the Commission electronically in the context of the Annual Reports on the Implementation of operational programmes for 2013. At the regulatory deadline i.e. 30 June 2014, the data were covering 97% of the OPs using FEIs. The summary of data referring to the situation on 31 December 2013 was then prepared by the European Commission services on this basis. The quality and completeness of the data for 2013 demonstrated an improvement on that provided for 2011 and 2012. Nevertheless, there remained a few anomalies and inconsistencies, which managing authorities should seek to avoid for future reporting exercises.