en English

EU-Chile cooperation on regional innovation systems in the framework of regional policy


Date: 07 jul 2014

Period: 2000-2006

Theme: International Affairs , Research and innnovation

Languages:   en | es

The European Commission, aware that some less developed European regions were structurally lagging behind, implemented actions to drive technological modernisation and activate the capacity of their regional innovation systems to improve their competitiveness. In this context,

Regional Technology Plans (RTP) were developed as a pilot project. These initiatives were funded and supported by the European Commission through two Directorate-Generals (Directorate-General for Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation (DGXIII) and Directorate-General for Regional Policy and Cohesion (DGXVI)) and co-funded with ERDF funds.

The success of the Regional Technological Plans served as a precursor for the launch of Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS), which took a systemic approach to innovation taking into account the importance of actors at regional level.