en English

Financial Engineering Instruments Implemented by Member States with ERDF Contributions: Synthesis Report


Date: 24 jan 2012

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Business support, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training, Structural Funds management and Governance, Financial Instruments

Languages:   en

An aggregate amount of EUR 7,391.4 million of ERDF and national contributions(private and public) were legally committed to specific funds, whether throughholding funds or directly to specific funds, as stated in the respective fundingagreements. The ERDF part of the resources committed to all funds amounted toEUR 5,918.5 million, of which EUR 4.210.8 million of ERDF contributions wereeffectively paid by Member States into funds.A total of 297 specific funds (equity, guarantee and loan funds) for enterpriseswere set up, of which 131 were implemented through a holding fund and 166specific funds without a holding fund. EUR 4,147.9 million was effectively paidinto these specific funds and as such was available in the market to supportenterprises through repayable forms of financial assistance.
