en English

Enterprise support: support to SMEs and large enterprises in Italy, including a comparison of grants and other financial instruments


Date: 01 jun 2012

Period: 2007-2013

Theme: Business support, Evaluation, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training, Structural Funds management and Governance

Languages:   en

This study examined two cases of enterprise support – an investment grant available throughout Italy (Law 488) and various SME schemes in the region of Piemonte. A particular advantage of the study was the access to several detailed administrative data sources from the Statistical Archive of Active Enterprises (ASIA) assembled by the Italian Statistical Agency (ISTAT). This, along with the availability of a clear control group in both cases (narrowly rejected enterprises for Law 488, almost random allocation between different forms of support in Piemonte) gives a high degree of confidence in the results.In addition, a beneficiary survey was conducted to allow a comparison with more traditional methods of estimating impact.

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