en English

Operational Programme Administrative Capacity

Programme description

Investments will address the persistent shortcomings in Romania's public administration and improve the functioning of the judiciary through support to structural reforms

The Romanian Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity" for the implementation of the European Social Fund (ESF) in the period 2014-2020 outlines the priorities and objectives to invest €658 million (of which €553 million from the EU budget) to help increase the responsiveness of Romania's public administration and judicial system to the needs of economy and society.

The programme has the goal of improving the efficiency, the transparency and the accessibility of Romania's public administration and judicial system. To attain this goal, investment will address the following priorities:

  • Strengthening the key functions of public administration (strategic planning, programme budgeting, impact assessment, evaluation and monitoring, simplifying legislation, public procurement, reducing the red tape) and improving the administrative capacity to perform such functions, including through the development of human resources.
  • Improving the functioning of the judicial system, including for the implementation of the new legal codes.
  • Enhancing the decision-making in local public administration and judiciary, by introducing common standards and practices and quality management systems, with a view to improving the services provided to citizens and businesses.
  • Setting up a preventive framework both in public administration and in the judicial system to address ethics and integrity challenges.

Over the funding period, around 90 000 employees in public administration and judiciary will be trained and around 250 public and judicial institutions will benefit directly from funding from this Programme, with thousands more benefitting indirectly from the planned interventions.

Programme text

Programul Operational Capacitate Administrativa


European Social Fund (ESF): 563.588.476,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 658.914.875,00 €

Total EU contribution: 563.588.476,00 €

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