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IPA CBC Italy – Albania - Montenegro

Programme description

Main objectives

The programme covers the area located between South-East Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. It covers a total of 66.365 km2 and a population of 7.805.809 inhabitants. Albania makes up the largest part of this area (more than 40%) while the Italian Region of Molise makes up the smallest (4437 km2).

The "Interreg IPA CBC Italy- Albania- Montenegro" programme is designed in the framework of the European strategy for smart, inclusive and sustainable growth (EU 2020). The programme therefore aims at assisting countries to meet their national 2020 targets in each of these areas through fostered cross-border cooperation across the Mediterranean.  

The area covered is also part of the broader macro-regional EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). This cooperation programme thus helps Adriatic-Ionian regions of Italy, Albania and Montenegro to achieve growth by building on the four EUSAIR pillars of “Blue Growth”, "Connecting the Region", “Environmental Quality” and “Sustainable Tourism”

Funding Priorities

The programme will focus on the following five priorities:

  • Strengthening cross-border cooperation and the competitiveness of SMEs;
  • Smart management of natural and cultural heritage for the exploitation of cross-border sustainable tourism and territorial attractiveness;
  • Introducing sustainable transport services and improving public infrastructures;
  • Environmental protection, risk management and the shift towards the low carbon strategy;
  • Technical Assistance. 

Expected impacts

  • Increased number of small and medium-sized enterprises through an improved business environment. Enhanced SME competitiveness through the development of local cross-border markets and internationalisation;
  • Improved attractiveness of natural and cultural assets with the increased delivery of innovative products, structured cooperation and networking in the cultural and creative sectors;
  • Reduced carbon emissions and improved energy efficiency in the public sector;
  • Increased cross-border accessibility via sustainable transport services and facilities and improved public infrastructures;
  • Better efficiency and effectiveness of the management and implementation of the programme.


Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 0,00 €

Total EU contribution: 0,00 €

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