en English


Programme description

Main objectives

The main purpose of the programme is to boost the competitive advantage of the region, to create employment in activities with high added value and to improve the competitiveness of the regional economy.

EU funding is targeted according to the regional specialization strategy (RIS3) and will concentrate in research and development, innovation and ICT use, aiming at connecting the business network with the technological and research institutions and boosting the presence of the region in international research consortiums.

The diversification and competitiveness of SMEs will be promoted easing access to credit and providing specialized services.

Finally, the programme will contribute to improve the energy efficiency of the region and the risk prevention along the Tiber river.

Funding priorities

The programme will focus on five main priorities:

  • Competitiveness (€276,4 milion, 30.3% of total resources)
  • Research and innovation (€180 million, 19.7%)
  • Energy sustainability and mobility (€176 million, 19.3%)
  • Digital Lazio (€144.2 million, 16.9%)
  • Hydrologic risk prevention (€45 million, 9.9%).

Expected Impacts

  • Investment in over 11.000 SMEs
  • Firms cooperating with R&D institutions: 360
  • Private investment matching public support in R&D and innovation projects: almost € 95 million
  • Researchers that participate in co-financed projects per year: 110
  • Population covered by broadband (100 Mbps) services: 562,600 inhab in 2018
  • Decrease of annual primary energy consumption of public buildings (kWh/year): 9,845,000

Population and area benefiting from flood protection measures: 7,000 inhabitants and 50 kmq.


Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 484.532.597,00 €

Thematic priorities

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Financial information

Total OP budget: 969.065.194,00 €

Total EU contribution: 484.532.597,00 €

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