en English

Operational Programme 'Calabria'

Programme under the Convergence Objective, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Programme description

On 7 December 2007 the European Commission approved the Calabria Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013. The Programme comes under the Convergence Objective and has a total budget of approximately €3 billion. The aid provided by the EU through the ERDF amounts to some €1.5 billion, i.e. half of the entire Programme. This figure represents 5.2% of the EU's total investment in Italy in the context of Cohesion Policy for the period 2007-2013.

1. Aim and purpose of the programme

Around 58% of the Programme funds have been earmarked for investments directly linked to sustainable growth and jobs in line with the Lisbon and Gothenburg agendas. These include projects on R&D and innovation, entrepreneurship, information society, energy efficiency and renewables, education and training, and major infrastructures of European-wide importance.

The Operational Programme is devised to identify and analyse the region’s potentials in accordance with Community and national frameworks setting out the principles for the allocation of EU funds. The general objective of the Programme is to foster sustainable economic development with a view to converging with the average development levels of the EU. This should be achieved by mobilising the potential of the region by means of boosting its competitiveness, making the territory more attractive, and diversifying and modernising the productive structure.

2. Expected impact of investments

With the EU contribution, it is expected that the Programme will lead to an additional annual increase of 1.6% in the regional GDP through to 2015 and an additional annual increase of 0.3% in employment growth. 43 500 new jobs are therefore expected to be created by 2015. Furthermore, female employment rates should increase to 40.2% by 2015 (compared to 35% in 2005) following the creation of 16 500 net jobs for women.

3. Priorities

The Operational Programme is structured along nine priorities:

Priority 1: R&D, innovation and information society [approximately 10% of total funding]

This priority aims firstly to strengthen R&D and innovation by working together with business in an effort to foster competitiveness, and secondly, to facilitate access for citizens and firms to the information society.

Priority 2: Energy [approximately 7% of total funding]

This priority will focus on promoting diversification of energy sources, with particular attention paid to renewables, and on stimulating energy efficiency and savings.

Priority 3: Environment [approximately 12% of total funding]

This priority will concentrate on risk prevention and other measures aimed at ensuring environmental sustainability, while retaining traditional measures like waste management and pollution reduction.

Priority 4: Quality of life and social inclusion [approximately 9% of total funding]

The priority will focus on improving the quality of and accessibility to education and training in remote areas. It will also look to increase the quality of life, guarantee equal access to social services and ensure security for both citizens and businesses.

Priority 5: Natural and cultural resources and sustainable tourism [approximately 12% of total funding]

This priority aims at promoting biodiversity as well as preserving the region’s natural and cultural heritage. It also aims at increasing sustainability while maintaining the international competitiveness of tourism in the region.

Priority 6: Networks for mobility [approximately 16% of total funding]

The main objective of this priority is to develop the internal and external accessibility of the region, with a special focus on promoting intermodality and sustainable urban transport.

Priority 7: Productive systems [approximately 14% of total funding]

Under this priority, measures will be taken to improve the competitive conditions of businesses.

Priority 8: Cities, urban areas and territorial systems [approximately 17% of total funding]

This priority aims at promoting competitiveness, innovation, attractiveness and quality of life in both cities and rural areas.

Priority 9: Technical assistance and interregional cooperation [approximately 3% of total funding]

The priority will ensure effective assistance to the Managing Authority of the Programme concerning management, evaluation, audit, information and communication activities and other tasks that are necessary for correct implementation of the Programme.

4. Managing Authority

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
R&D, innovation et société de l'information 149.912.003,00 149.912.003,00 299.824.006,00
Energy 104.938.402,00 104.938.402,00 209.876.804,00
Environment 179.894.403,00 179.894.403,00 359.788.806,00
Quality of life and social inclusion 134.920.802,00 134.920.802,00 269.841.604,00
Natural and cultural resources and sustainable tourism 179.894.404,00 179.894.404,00 359.788.808,00
Networks for mobility 239.859.204,00 239.859.204,00 479.718.408,00
Productive systems 209.876.804,00 209.876.804,00 419.753.608,00
Cities, urban areas and territorial systems 254.850.404,00 254.850.404,00 509.700.808,00
Technical assistance and interregional cooperation 44.973.600,00 44.973.600,00 89.947.200,00
Total 1.499.120.026,00 1.499.120.026,00 2.998.240.052,00