en English

Operational Programme 'Transport' for Croatia

Programme description

Croatia is the 28th Member State of the European Union since 1 July 2013. On the same day, the IPA pre-accession programme 'Transport' became a Convergence programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The programme covers the whole of Croatia. This programme is being extended for the remaining six months after the accession to cover the full programming period 2007-2013. The decision approving the programme is expected in autumn 2013.

1. The purpose and aim of the EU investment

The overall objective of the Operational Programme is the development of modern transport networks and increased accessibility of the regions. Croatia is located in the centre of the North-West / South-East transport and transit corridor. The modernisation of its transport sector is therefore not only an internal development pre-condition, but also a key factor of competitiveness of the country in the region. The programme contributes to:

  • a better integration of the Croatian transport networks within the European one by improving transport infrastructure in the railway and inland waterway sectors (primarily on the TEN-T corridors but also improving regional connections);
  • a more balanced development of the transport network by implementing actions which ensure a more equal ratio of investment regarding the road sector and other transport sectors, particularly the railway sector. This is aimed at developing a balanced and environmentally sustainable transport network covering all transport sub-sectors.

2. The expected impact of the investment

The expected impact of investments are:

  • a better integration of Croatia’s transport networks in the TEN-T corridors
  • an increased ability for interoperability within the Croatian rail network
  • a network of efficient, flexible and interconnected transport systems which will encourage and enable greater trade within the European Union and with other markets
  • a more sustainable transport system within the country
  • improved connections between the regional and national transport networks
  • the encouragement of the use of less polluting transport means
  • the improvements to the navigability and safety of inland waterways.


Some expected results expected at the end of the implementation period in 2016:

  • 3.800 inhabitants with access to better transport services due to the development of regional/suburban railway transport
  • time travel between Zagreb County and Bjelovar –Bilogora county decreased by 70 minutes by rail
  • 54km of reconstructed railways
  • 534km of monitored inland waterway network.

3. Priority axes

Priority 1: "Upgrading Croatia's rail transport system" aims to gradually develop and upgrade Croatia’s TEN-T rail transport network in order to connect the country more comprehensively and efficiently with the European transport networks whilst at the same time harmonising technical and operability standards with those of the European Union. The regional and suburban railway network will be upgraded and the standard of Croatian railways improved, in particular the line along TEN Corridor X within Croatia, also harmonised with EU standards.

Priority 2: "Upgrading Croatia's inland waterway system" aims to rehabilitate the Sava river waterway to category IV navigational status, including its alignment with the EU River Information System. The qualitative and technological modernization of Croatian river ports will help to satisfy the existing and expected transport demand. Ports will be connected with main road and rail corridors in order to achieve better integration with the economic hinterland and to create preconditions for the development of inter-modal transport.

Priority 3: "Technical Assistance" will contribute to a sound and efficient management and implementation of the programme, by improving the administrative capacity of the institutions concerned in all the relevant areas. It is also used to prepare projects for subsequent programmes.

4. Managing Authority

Financial information

Breakdown of finances by priority axis

Priority Axis EU Investment National Public Contribution Total Public Contribution
Modernisation of railway infrastructure and Project preparation in transport sector 221.634.478,00 39.111.968,00 260.746.446,00
Upgrading Croatia’s inland waterway system 7.862.500,00 1.387.500,00 9.250.000,00
Technical Assistance 7.486.327,00 1.321.117,00 8.807.444,00
Total 236.983.305,00 41.820.585,00 278.803.890,00