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Knowledge Repository


The Just Transition Platform (JTP) knowledge repository provides an online hub of useful knowledge relating to Europe’s transition to a climate-neutral economy.

This knowledge includes relevant policy approaches and projects from across Europe’s regions, which are being collected and documented within the context of the JTP: your single access point for knowledge and support relating to the transition.

If you are interested in having your initiative featured as a policy approach or project in our knowledge repository, we encourage you to submit your suggestion to our dedicated knowledge management team.

All you need to do is fill out our short survey and a member of our knowledge management team will contact you during the next collection round.

Relevant sources

This document summarises relevant existing studies and databases that provide both analytical insight and relevant statistics on effects of the transition on Member States and, where possible, regions. It includes sources assessing regional JTF scope and sources on the impact of the transition.

This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather a selection of useful resources. Download the document below to begin browsing.

Just Transition Platform: Existing studies and databases in the context of the Just Transition Fund

October 2022


Case studies

This section of the knowledge repository contains a series of case studies, presenting in-depth examples of strategies and good practices to support regional and local stakeholders implementing a just transition.


This section of the knowledge repository provides a series of toolkits, focused on practical guidance and inspiring examples to support regional and local stakeholders implementing a just transition.

Policy approaches

This section of the knowledge repository presents information and lessons learned on policy approaches at national, regional or local level supporting a just transition to a climate-neutral economy.


This section of the knowledge repository provides examples of individual projects of relevance to the just transition to a climate-neutral economy, including regional or local projects across the EU’s public and private sectors.

More information

For more information related to the content in this knowledge repository, you are welcome to contact our Helpdesk at

You can also subscribe to our newsletter to find out when new knowledge has been published to the repository.

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To stay up to date on the activities of the Platform, you can also follow our news and subscribe to the JTP newsletter.
