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JTPeers Experts & Exchange

About JTPeers

JTPeers is a complementary support service delivered by the Just Transition Platform (JTP), focused on facilitating exchanges between Just Transition Fund (JTF) territories and just transition experts to support JTF regions in the implementation of their Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs).

The support programme includes:

  1. JTPeers Experts - a database of professionals working on Just Transition across Europe. Once listed on the database, JTF regions and other interested stakeholders can contact the experts for advice regarding the implementation of just transition projects.
  2. JTP Exchange - a peer-to-peer exchange programme to facilitate in-person and online exchanges between different JTF regions as well as between JTF regions and JTPeers Experts listed on the database.

You can find out more about JTPeers in the document below.

Just Transition Platform – JTPeers

March 2024


JTPeers Experts

The JTPeers Experts Database is publicly available for just transitions regions. It gives access to a broad pool of professionals specialising in a variety of just transition topics relevant for regions across the European Union.

In this database, you find experts who offer advisory services to regions in transition to support the implementation of TJTPs. The European Commission is not responsible for the content of the support provided by the experts.

Click on the link below to visit the database and start exploring!

Background: Why a JTPeers Experts Database?

This database offers you and your region:

Access to specialised knowledge: Just transition involves complex challenges and requires specialised knowledge in areas such as energy production and energy systems, job creation, social inclusion, and sustainable economic development. A database of experts enables stakeholders to easily gain access to professionals with the specific expertise needed to address these challenges effectively.

Best practices and lessons learned: The database serves as a repository of best practices and lessons learned from experts who have successfully navigated similar transitions. Accessing this wealth of knowledge can help regions avoid pitfalls, accelerate progress, and implement effective strategies.

Networking and collaboration: The database facilitates connections between professionals working on just transition across the EU. It encourages networking and collaboration, enabling the sharing of experiences, innovative ideas, and successful approaches. This collaborative environment fosters a community of practice, further enhancing the collective expertise in the field.

Efficiency and time savings: Searching for experts individually can be time-consuming and challenging. A centralised database streamlines the process, making it quicker and more efficient to identify and engage with the right experts. This saves valuable time for stakeholders involved in the just transition process and allows them to focus on implementation and progress.

Improved decision-making: Access to a diverse range of experts empowers decision-makers with multiple perspectives and insights. This broader understanding enables informed decision-making based on evidence, experience, and expertise, leading to more effective and successful just transition initiatives.

Find your expert – how does it work?

The JTPeers Experts Database accommodates experts with a diverse set of just transition expertise and language skills. Here, territories, regional stakeholders, or other affiliated organisations active in just transition can easily find the most suitable expert for their transitional challenges. You can filter them by topic expertise, language, and country of residence. Once you have found the most suitable expert, you can contact them via the provided contact form.

Please note that it is entirely up to the expert to respond to your request. However, the JTPeers team is notified that an expert has been contacted and by whom. If an expert does not respond, you can reach out to our support team. For more information on how to contact an expert please consult our FAQ.

How to join the JTPeers Experts Database?

To apply for the JTPeers Experts Database, the official way is through the Call for Applications. These calls are announced on the JTP website and shared in the JTP newsletter. They provide a structured process for submitting applications during the designated period. To stay informed about official calls for applications, sign up for the JTP Newsletter. We value your expertise and are committed to considering every qualified applicant.

What are the benefits for an expert?

By being listed in the JTPeers Experts Database, experts enjoy numerous benefits that enhance their professional profile and contribute to the advancement of just transition initiatives:

Increased visibility: Gain exposure and recognition within the field of just transition by showcasing your expertise to policymakers, organisations, and stakeholders involved in sustainable development.

Networking and collaboration: Connect with like-minded professionals, fostering opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional growth. Expand your network and exchange ideas with experts facing similar just transition challenges.

Professional development: Stay up to date with the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in the field of just transition. Engage in continuous learning, expand your knowledge, and enhance your expertise through interactions with fellow experts.

Access to projects and opportunities: Increase your chances of being approached for consultancy, advisory roles, and other opportunities related to just transition projects. Expand your portfolio, engage in meaningful projects, and contribute to the successful implementation of just transition initiatives.

Contributing to a global cause: By joining the database, you actively contribute to the global cause of achieving sustainable and equitable transitions. Your expertise and insights can help regions and communities overcome challenges and create a more sustainable future.

JTPeers Exchange

The European Commission is providing additional support for JTF territories through the JTPeers Exchange programme. The peer-to-peer facilitates two types of interactions between JTF regional stakeholders and JTPeers Experts:

  • Region-to-region exchange. Region-region exchanges take place between two or three JTF regions. They are intended for regions to exchange experiences on up to three topics and are based on a co-learning approach, meaning that each participating region acts as mentor, as well as mentee.
  • Expert-to-region exchange. Expert-region exchanges take place between one just transition expert from the database and up to three JTF regions. They are intended for regions seeking advice on one specific topic or question.

JTPeers Exchange follows a needs-based based approach, focusing on responding to JTF practitioners’ priorities by facilitating co-learning opportunities and is designed to benefit institutions and organisations from a wide range of sectors contributing to the just transition of their respective JTF territories. Through developing robust relationships, regional actors and individual experts can offer opinions and expertise to support the implementation of TJTPs, explore common challenges and co-create possible solutions.

JTPeers Exchange is available to JTF regions from all 27 EU Member States. Relevant public and private stakeholders may represent:

  • Local, regional, or national public authorities
  • Civil society, NGOs, CSOs, trade unions or similar associations
  • Development, innovation, energy, or similar agencies
  • Research organisations or universities
  • Businesses, SMEs, or related associations

JTPeers Exchange 2024

In February 2024, JTPeers Exchange launched the second call for applications for peer-to-peer exchanges and will facilitate eight exchanges covering 14 JTF territories in the first half of 2024.

The beneficiaries of the second round of JTPeers Exchange are illustrated in the graphic below.

JTPeers Exchange 2024

JTPeers Exchange 2023

The beneficiaries of the seven JTPeers Exchanges implemented in 2023 can be found in the graphic below.



For more information about JTPeers, please contact us directly at

To learn more about the Just Transition Platform and JTP services, follow JTP activities on Twitter via @EUinmyRegion.

For information about other technical assistance schemes of relevance to the just transition, please refer to our funding opportunities page.