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Just Transition Platform Meetings

What are the Just Transition Platform Meetings?

The Just Transition Platform organises biannual meetings bringing together stakeholders from EU coal, peat, shale oil and carbon-intensive regions to discuss various challenges and opportunities relating to the just transition to climate neutrality.

These events deliver a range of thematic sessions and networking possibilities, facilitating exchange and interaction between representatives of Member States, local and regional authorities, non-governmental organisations, business and social partners, and EU institutions to learn from one another on the journey towards a climate-neutral Europe.

On this page you can find all information about past and upcoming Just Transition Platform Meetings. To stay informed, make sure you also subscribe to the Just Transition Platform newsletter and follow EUinmyRegion on Twitter and Facebook.

Co-hosted by the Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and the Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER), the Just Transition Platform meetings feature also sessions within the Coal Regions in Transition virtual week and Carbon-intensive regions seminars.


Past events

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