en English

Driving innovation in north-east England’s Silicon Valley

  • 27 October 2015

With a focus on enterprise development, technological innovation and awareness-raising, Sunderland’s Software City (SSC) is placing the north-east of England firmly on the map as a leading area of software-related activity.

Building on relationships and developing partnerships with other organisations across the public, private and educational sector has helped us to build on these achievements and is allowing us to establish a clear, long term vision for the region’s software sector which focuses on developing its key strengths and addressing the barriers which can inhibit the growth of the vibrant and innovative businesses which operate in it.

David Dunn, Chief Executive of Sunderland Software City

SSC, a partnership between the University of Sunderland and the public and private sector, provides a single point of contact for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) looking to start up their software business or develop an established business, whether nationally or internationally. Since it started operating in 2008, SSC has supported more than 233 software businesses, with 280 new jobs created across the region as a direct result of activity, ultimately helping the business base in the region grow by nearly 20 %.

Services and activities offered by SCC include: direct business consultancy by software specialists in areas such as market entry support, financial planning and deal brokerage, market research, linkages with international investment services; facilitation of workshops where non-software companies (e.g. in areas such as manufacturing, healthcare, public sector and renewable energy) are encouraged to understand the benefit of digital technology and the power in understanding data they may have; and, since its opening in 2012, access to a state-of-the-art workspace facility in the form of the Sunderland Software Centre.

New flagship Software Centre

In the heart of the city centre, SSC’s flagship Software Centre has over 6 000m2 of lettable space for up to 63 businesses, offering state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. To build on this concentration of IT intelligent companies, and encourage collaboration, the centre also offers shared ‘sandpit space’ and ‘innovation rooms’ where businesses can play with ideas, a development and testing centre to take ideas to the next level, as well as a 400m2 community engagement space for workshops and information sessions.

Creating a lasting legacy

Keen to build momentum and maximise collaboration and sharing of ideas and best practices, the SSC has developed new relationships with public, private and educational organisations to increase mutual benefit. For example, SCC is involved with the UK’s Digital Catapult alongside five universities and two Local Enterprise Partnerships. They are also involved in the Tech Cluster Alliance (16 members), National Virtual Incubator (13 members) and Work Discovery Week (in collaboration with over 20 schools).

SSC has also established a unique corporate social responsibility programme for local software SMEs: employees from participating companies visit local schools and colleges, providing opportunities to share experiences and promote the software sector and the spectrum of local opportunities to the next generation.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Software City” is EUR 17 440 107, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 8 713 330 from the Operational Programme “North East of England” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.