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Rail line connects communities in Romania’s Centru and Vest regions

  • 20 December 2017

This project rehabilitated 89.5 kilometres of double-track railway line that connects the Romanian cities of Sighisoara and Coslariu. As a result of this work, train service has become more efficient, with trains now traveling at a maximum speed of 160 kilometres per hour and in compliance with the European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines (AGC). 

The rehabilitated 89.5 kilometres of railway that connect the municipalities of Sighisoara and Coslariu in Romania’s Transylvania region is providing better service to the area’s approximately 1.12 million residents. The line runs through several important hubs, including the counties of Mures, Sibiu and Alba.  

Trains running on this renovated section are now able to operate at speeds of 120 to 160 km/h, thus cutting travel time between the two cities by half.

Benefits for both passengers and freight 

By investing in railway connections in Romania, the European Union is also investing in the region’s economy, as rail transportation benefits both residents and businesses. For example, by rehabilitating this part of the rail line, the project is helping to increase the current rail market share of passenger traffic. As a result of the faster travel times that the new lines allow, passenger safety and comfort is also being improved. 

But it’s not just passengers who are benefiting from the update. Freight traffic will also see its market share increase. The route serves as an important connection between two economic areas and, as a result of the faster service the updated lines allow for, freight traffic will become a more attractive and competitive mode of transportation – especially compared to road transport. In fact, in comparison to road transport, commercial rail transport offers a higher quality and faster service that is based on modern European infrastructure standards.  

A TEN-T initiative 

This section of railway is part of a line that connects the city of Brasov, located in the centre of Romania, to the Hungarian border. As part of the European Commission’s TEN-T Programme, the rehabilitated rail line, which is part of an international corridor, will benefit all of Romania and Europe. 

The TEN-T Programme is dedicated to improving mobility across Europe via projects that build and upgrade transport infrastructure. With projects happening in all EU Member States and covering air, rail, road and maritime transport, the programme is helping the EU achieve its goal of using mobility to promote competitiveness, employment and cohesion. 

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Rehabilitation of the Railway Line Braşov – Simeria at Section Sighişoara – Coşlariu – Phase II” is EUR 356 903 805, with the EU’s Cohesion Fund contributing EUR 201 465 529 through the “Large Infrastructure” Operational Programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the priority “Jobs, Growth and Investment”.