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Town of weavers - a brand promoting Łódź Province based on cultural heritage

  • 26 November 2015

The region around Łódź has been heavily focused on the textile industry. Today, the renovated weavers’ houses are promoted in Poland and other countries and play an important role in social inclusion.

Apart from boosting the region’s image, the project contributed to further revitalisation of the city.

Przemysław Konrad Staniszewski, Mayor of Zgierz

The project aimed at creating the ‘Town of Weavers Culture Park’ as a regional brand using the cultural heritage of the region, and with a special focus on the historic wooden architecture of the city of Zgierz. The park was designed to preserve the traditional architecture while creating a space fully adjusted to modern needs. It was created in a neglected part of the city challenged with the issue of social exclusion and poverty.

The second stage of the project consisted of various promotional activities and production of promotional materials (gadgets, toys, publications, etc.). The promotion focused on the unique character of the culture park and developing its regional cultural identity.

Textile traditions and town revitalisation

The heritage park is composed of several weavers’ houses dating back to the thirteenth century. The region has been heavily focused on the textile industry, which in the nineteenth century had developed because of the favorable chemical composition of its water.

The buildings were moved there from different parts of the town and have become part of the ‘Town of Weavers’ cultural park. Currently there are 23 well-preserved weavers’ houses including the tourist’s house, Wood Conservation Center, administrative offices, hostel and restaurant. In addition, the project also includes tree planting and landscaping of the surrounding streets to give visitors the feeling of being taken back in time.

Today the ‘Town of Weavers’ hosts various cultural events and attracts both tourists and the region’s citizens. It promotes textile traditions and the history of the Łódzkie voivodship.

Total investment and EU funding

Total investment for the project “Town of weavers - a brand product of Lodz Province – stage II creating and promoting the brand” is EUR 119 059, of which the EU’s European Regional Development Fund is contributing EUR 101  201 from the Operational Programme “Łódzkie” for the 2007 to 2013 programming period.