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The CESR at the University of Tours creates a MOOC about the Renaissance in the Val de Loire region

  • 30 January 2020

The Centre for higher studies of the Renaissance is producing a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) – ‘The Renaissance in the Val de Loire region’, to expand its digital curriculum, while promoting its research work and regional heritage.

This collective and innovative project is particularly close to our hearts. It allows us to showcase our research, test new teaching methods, and strengthen our ties with the region’s stakeholders. Filming is done directly on site at iconic Renaissance locations and features the teacher-researchers, as well as the curators, architects, etc. With ten episodes full of varied resources and transmedia links, our ambition is to produce an original, interactive and immersive MOOC that goes beyond the classic web-conference MOOC format.

Pierre Benoist, director of the Centre for higher studies of the Renaissance (CESR) and the ‘Intelligence des patrimoines’ ARD programme

Since September 2018, the Centre for higher studies of the Renaissance (CESR), in collaboration with the Ambition Research Development (ARD) programme ‘Intelligence des patrimoines’ (Heritage Intelligence), has been developing ‘The Renaissance in the Val de Loire region’ MOOC, an interactive online course for discovering this period of history in the Val de Loire in a new way. 

Developed with CESR teacher-researchers, the interdisciplinary MOOC allows the learner to create their own learning path while progressing freely and interactively thanks to a varied set of transmedia resources. Over the course of ten thematic and interconnected episodes, they are able to explore all facets of the Renaissance in the Val de Loire region, from the history of châteaux to health practices, including music, gastronomy and even science and technology.

A new look at the Renaissance

The MOOC will be freely accessible online to the public at large before the end of 2020 on the France université numérique platform and within the ‘Renaissance transmedia lab’ virtual workshop, developed by the ARD programme to disseminate the latest research and scientific innovations on the Renaissance through original interactive experiences. The MOOC project reflects this desire of the ARD programme to offer the public a new perspective on the Renaissance and share the latest scientific findings.

This project also has an educational mission and contributes to the creation of new job profiles as part of the Graduate School in Heritage Intelligence (run by the CESR). 

Incorporated into the programming for the 2019 regional cultural season ‘500 years of Renaissance in the Centre-Val de Loire region’, its final aim is to showcase the Val de Loire’s Renaissance heritage and to provide a wider public with the opportunity to (re)discover these cultural and natural treasures.

Promote scientific work and encourage professional exchanges

As the first e-learning project run by the CESR, the MOOC will expand its course offerings (Graduate School in Heritage Intelligence). It will make it possible to highlight the scientific and multi-disciplinary work carried out by CESR researchers with students, and to demonstrate how digital technology contributes to the implementation of innovative teaching practices.

The production of ten thematic episodes also promotes professional exchanges between researchers, Renaissance specialists and heritage conservationists and managers in the Val de Loire region. Certain sequences, notably those shot with drones, are used, for example, to enhance the preliminary studies carried out prior to a restoration.

Total investment and European funding

The ‘Renaissance in the Val de Loire region’ MOOC received a total investment of EUR 214 630, with the European Regional Development Fund contributing EUR 103 902 under the ‘OP ERDF Centre-Val de Loire’ cooperation programme for the 2014-2020 programming period. The investment falls under the ‘Digital single market’ priority.