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New publication: Study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the outermost regions

  • 17 November 2021
New publication: Study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the outermost regions

The study provides a preliminary snapshot of the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the European Union’s outermost regions and puts forward recommendations.

The study was carried out in December 2020 - September 2021 and consists of two parts:

  • a first early analysis of the impact of the pandemic on key economic sectors, on the society, labour market and healthcare in the outermost regions on the basis of available data so far; considering how the regions’ specificities have influenced the impact of the crisis;
  • an analysis of the measures that the EU, the Member States and the outermost regions have taken to respond to the crisis; and, based on such analysis, recommendations for action to support sustainable recovery, growth and resilience in the outermost regions.

Factsheets for each of the outermost regions, with a detailed analysis of the impact per region, the measures taken and tailored recommendations are under preparation.

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