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Poland made the most of Cohesion Policy Funds in 2007-13

  • 06 March 2019
Poland made the most of Cohesion Policy Funds in 2007-13

The European Commission has settled financially all Polish operational programmes from the 2007-2013 programming period. The operational programmes were the basis for investments co-financed by the Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, and they contributed to the economic growth, social development, employment and Poland’s competitiveness in Europe. During the period, thousands of implemented projects contributed to the improvement of the lives of Polish citizens. One c

The European Commission has settled financially all Polish operational programmes from the 2007-2013 programming period. The operational programmes were the basis for investments co-financed by the Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, and they contributed to the economic growth, social development, employment and Poland’s competitiveness in Europe. During the period, thousands of implemented projects contributed to the improvement of the lives of Polish citizens. One could say that the programmes have become history, but that is not the case. All Polish citizens are and will be benefiting from cohesion policy investments for many years to come. 

Poland is the largest beneficiary of Cohesion Policy funds. In the years 2007-2013, Poland invested 67 billion EUR of European funds in transport infrastructure, the environment, energy, innovation, education, revitalisation, health and culture. The allocation was managed by 20 operational programmes: the biggest national programme 'Infrastructure and Environment' managed almost 28.3 billion EUR, other national programmes were 'Innovative Economy', 'Development of Eastern Poland' and 'Technical Assistance'. At the same time, over 16.5 billion EUR were invested by 16 Regional Operational Programmes. 

The key achievements of investments from Cohesion Policy in 2007-2013 in Poland are:

  • 151 789 new jobs created;
  • 2000 start-ups created;
  • 15 000 SMEs supported;
  • 1 920 111 additional citizens served by waste water projects;
  • 144 km² of rehabilitated areas;
  • 1 472 MW of additional capacity of renewable energy production;
  • 1 900 km of new roads constructed and 9 624 km upgraded;
  • 482 km of upgraded railway lines;
  • Over 1 000 cooperation projects between enterprises and research institutes supported;
  • 1 700 000 additional EU citizens given access to broadband in Poland;

Key results by Operational Programmes 2007-2013: 

Currently Poland is implementing 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy with a budget of EUR 86 billion from European funds. The main objectives of the investments are developing a modern transport, energy, information and communication infrastructure; creating an innovation-friendly business environment; increasing professional activity within the framework of improved employment policy, social inclusion and education; developing an environmentally friendly economy.

Poland on ESI Funds Open data