en English

Regiostars 2018 Winner - TeKiDe: textile fibre recycling

A platform to demonstrate new ways to recycle poor quality post-consumer cotton textile waste has been established. The cotton waste is dissolved and spun as new good quality textile fibres. This can revolutionize the whole concept of textile industry making waste yards to sustainable ”cottonfields”. This new textile recycling demonstration platform will strengthen the science and innovation hub of Helsinki-Uusimaa region by creating a core for a commercialization ecosystem with global impact.

TeKiDe: textile fibre recycling is the winner in the Category 2 - Achieving sustainability through low carbon emissions

Date: 10 oct 2018

Theme: Environment

Languages:   en | fi

Subtitles:   en | fi

Duration: 01:49

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RegioStars Awards

Project Fiche