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For a prosperous and integrated Adriatic And Ionian region

For a prosperous and integrated Adriatic And Ionian region


Date: 16 jun 2014

Period: 2014-2020

Theme: Business support, Energy, Environment, Tourism, Transport, EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, Social inclusion, Jobs, Education and Training

Languages:   el | en | hr | it | sl

What we see today are very noticeable socio-economic differences across the countries in the Region. While some regions enjoy low unemployment; others have jobless rates of over 30 %. Gross domestic product (GDP) per head between the different countries also vary significantly.

There are substantial differences in road, rail and maritime infrastructure between countries. There is also an urgent need for more investment in energy networks to ensure a secure and efficient supply across the Region.

Ecosystems are under intense pressure due to the ever-increasing human use of marine and coastal space. Over-fishing, untreated waste, oil and gas pollution and the illegal hunting of migratory birds are all significant issues.

In addition to major seismic activity, the Region is also under threat from climate change – flooding, drought, soil erosion and forest fires are all increasing realities.

In terms of economic potential, the tourism sector is not optimally managed or exploited, and could benefit from better coordination.

In addition, the Region’s administrations and institutions may benefit from opportunities for modernisation and better linkages, among others, in order to combat illegal migration and cross-border crime.