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> Project proposals
> Operating grants
> Call for conferences
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> Tenders
> Info Day 2008
> Propose partnerships
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Funding for conferences

Note that the Guide for applicants was corrected on 23 April in the parts related to the number of characters allowed in different fields of the application form.

The Work Plan 2008 foresees two categories of conferences that can receive funding in the framework of the new Health Programme: conferences organised by the Presidency of the European Union (one per Presidency) and other conferences.

The Presidency conferences are not dealt with under this call.

For other conferences, financial contributions by the Community may be awarded for the organisation of conferences which:

  • pursue as their primary goal one or more priorities of this annual work programme,
  • have European Union-wide dimension, e.g. with the participations of representations from 10 or more countries participating in the second Health Programme,
  • are organised by a public body or a non-profit-making body established in a Country participating in the second Health Programme.

For organisational reasons, only conferences to be held in the later part of 2008 or in the first half of 2009 can be considered here.

Selected conferences will be eligible for lump sum financing by the Community up to EUR 100 000 and maximum 50% of the total budget per conference.

  • Text of the Call for conferences enpdf

  • Guide for applicants (call for conferences) enpdf

  • Application Form enpdf(Adobe Reader 7.0 is required)

  • Work Plan 2008 enpdf

  • Health Programme (2008-13) enpdf


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